To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Stonehenge Fabrics, Northcott has come up with three ways to celebrate! and maybe even win some amazing prizes, including a trip to England and a private tour of Stonehenge!

Using the panel and fabrics from the Stonehenge Anniversary collection, create a quilt no larger than 60”x60”. That quilt, and others submitted by makers in the area, will be judged against each other at Maker Savvy! Voting will last for three days and we will have a Viewer’s Choice quilt! The Viewer’s Choice quilt will receive a fabric prize pack from Northcott! We will then submit this quilt to Northcott to compete against the other quilts from quilt shops far and wide! The 10 winning quilts will be awarded Stonehenge fabric prizes from Northcott!
Full contest rules & regulations for the Panel Quilt Challenge can can be found here!

For the Travelling Quilt Display, you may enter your quilt made from 100% Stonehenge Collection fabrics to Northcott for a chance to win fabric prize packs! Winning quilts will also be used in displays for Northcott at quilt shows! The three categories of quilts are as follows:
1. Wall hanging up to 50” square
2. Throw size 51”x51” up to 72”x90”
3. Bed size from 72”x90”
Full contest rules & regulations for the Travelling Quilt Display can be found here!

Collect pre-packaged block kits from different stores to create your quilt! You must use at least 12 blocks in your quilt. Then, submit your work for a chance to win the Grand Prize of a 9-day trip to England with a private tour of Stonehenge! 2nd and 3rd prizes of cash and fabric prize packs will also be awarded.
Full contest rules & regulations for the Block Party can be found here!